The Danger of Being Overzealous With Your Blog 2/20/06
I would like to start by stating for the record, that the following post is intended as fiction. Any similarities to real life persons or identites are completely coincidental. The author in no capacity whichsoever shall be liable for: (A.) hurt feelings, (B.) a bruised ego, or (C.) monetary loss that may result from reading "The Danger of Being..." The author reserves the rights to any and all ficticious characters belonging to story, plot, and subplots of "The Danger of Being..."; and also to those ficticious characters that may appear in said posts thereafter
As I've mentioned before, I work the graveyard shift at my job {in the biz, we technically call it AON (Awake Over Night) shift} Well tonight is the last shift of my work-week schedule; my friday so to say, and not surprisingly, it is the one that I'm the most tired when working it. Saying that to say this; I had all these big plans for this post... a plethora of brilliant ideas and directions, enormous potential for comedic value, and precise yet fluid occurrences of sharp witticisms, et cetera, et cetera. Well it's 4 o'clock in the morning; I'm so tired and pretty much on the brink of collapsing. I'm nodding out more often than a heroin junkie tailgaiting a 'really big hit.' I'm like an exceptional athlete approaching my twilight years, standing stripped, stark naked before God, Jesus, Saint Peter, and the Virgin Mary. Then I'm left completely alone; so as if to give time allowance for absolute and unabated stillness. I am left that way, left in quiet contemplation. "Was it all worth it...this life? And the love that I forfeited? Hardly. Is it all I ever hoped and dreamed it would be? Not really. Would I recommend this kind of life to a close friend or family member? Not a chance."
So back to the critical review of Danielle’s post concerning the expelled fetus…
Yes, we all understand that there are natural (and unnatural for that matter) processes of the human body. Some believe that these processes should not offend or gross us out at all. Those people are right; THEY’RE CALLED DOCTORS!! For the rest of us the sight and examination of an expelled fetus, that is from a miscarriage is some outright sick scary shit.
From this point, I will have to reread the aforementioned post in order to discuss other areas of wrongful disclosure.
Well I read the “Anatomy of a Miscarriage” post to my friend Angie. I told you I would have to share this hideous, frightening, and shocking exploit with another person. You know, just to make sure that it wasn’t just me who was all besmirched from reading this ‘faire le récit’ Hey, at least I’m trying to make it sound a little classy. Substituting a French word or phrase always seems to add class somehow; even if the word meant taking a dump. Well I just spent a totally useless 20 minutes of my time trying to figure out how to say “take a dump” in French (Without the internet of course, I would have found it in a flash.)
By the way, I just want to say that we’re damned lucky to be growing up in a time like the 21st century. The internet is an indispensable tool that I really don’t use for the best of it very much. Downloading porn, chatting, shopping, checking my back account, bills, etc makes up the bulk of my time on the computer. I do like to make mixed CDs for friends and family, but that requires much time and effort and thought and patience. So, unfortunately, I don’t really do that enough.
Hey wait! What the hell happened here? I was supposed to be trashing D’ls post, and I got WAY sidetracked. I don’t know how I do that.
Anyway, back to what I was talking about before. I read “Anatomy of a Miscarriage” to a good friend, Angie. She has enjoyed D’ls blog in the past. I was certain, however, that she would agree with me on the outright profane nature of this sickening little ‘expose’ if you will.
Well, to tell the truth; Angie wasn’t, and actually I wasn’t really that dismayed at the post. For the most part, we cracked up laughing most of time while I tried to read it. But there definitely were some “OH NO! COME ON…THAT’S JUST NOT RIGHT,” and “WHY?!! SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, I KNOW I DIDN’T JUST HEAR THAT!” I think for me; I just can’t get past the picking it out of the toilet and examining it…and the description of how it’s fleshy and similar to chicken fat.” My belief is that most people should just not have to know that. Even now thinking about it, it brings up all these upsetting images in my mind.
Wow, this is amazing; how much I am able to write about a subject that is not even related to myself. It’s almost easier. Maybe, I’ll taylor my blog to be more commentary style rather than personal stuff, that I don’t usually feel comfortable discussing, in the rare case that someone besides D’l reads it. Actually, EVEN with D’l reading it sometimes I don’t feel completely comfortable. And that’s just ridiculous, because she’s always been my bestest friend ever in life and I could always tell her anything. But we live so far away now, and she’s got her whole life going on, and me too. And I feel that there is a different part of me now that she doesn’t really know. Damn, I miss the old days. Like when I could just jet on over to her mom’s and pop’s house to hang out. Or wherever we hung out…with all our friends. We though life was so big then, so overwhelming. The things we thought were so important was so fucking trivial!
To quote Blink 182, “Well I guess this is growing up.”
of mine are becoming moot. For example, I think it's funny how (I wonder if she even knows